I've long held that Curt Schilling, while a very good pitcher, is perhaps the biggest tool in baseball. His douchebaggery seems to have increased exponentially this season with the addition of his blog
38Pitches. That's why I've decided to create this award, which may or may not be updated on a strict weekly basis, but most certainly will depict the biggest DB of the week.

That said, the inaugural Curt Schilling Biggest DB of the Week Award goes too...
Curt Schilling! Here's to you Schilling, for going on WEEI radio and prattling on about how Barry Bonds has admitted to his steroid use, his adultery, and his penchant for cheating on his taxes. This would all be well and good if, well, it were true! While the allegations may or may not be true, Bonds has certainly never admitted to any of them. This after Big Schill reamed the sports media for making up stories about how he intentionally bloodied his sock during the 2004 World Series. Luckily, Curt manage to prove himself the "bigger" man by posting a
public apology on his blog, featuring such gems as "I’m thinking that waking up at 8:30 am to do the weekly interview we do with WEEI is probably not the greatest format and if you heard the interview it’s not hard to realize that I’m usually awake about 30-45 seconds before it begins." Just like Terry Francona said, for someone who doesn't talk to the media very much, you sure talk to the media a lot. Way to go Schill, you're a douche.
Runners up...
David Wells, San Diego Padres pitcher, is a douche because he says too much and then runs back to retract it all when he realizes how stupid it was. This particular instance involved Roger Clemens, and
Wells was quoted as saying "I don't think I would ever do it because of the fact I personally think it would disrespect the team and your teammates," in regards to Clemens' new contract with the New York Yankees, which will allow him to leave the team (if he so chooses) when he is not scheduled to pitch. The next days Wells took it back, saying that parts of the interview had been left out and that he really loves the Rocket. Of course, Wells. The media always misconstrues what you say to them. That fact that you have to flap your fat face about everything and everyone out there has nothing to do with it. And let's see you turn down a contract like the one Clemens received before you start spouting off about it, you douche.
Phil Garner, Houston Astros Manager, is a douche because he, quite like the Big Schill himself, is fond of making up allegations, in this case about his former player Roger Clemens. In reference to Clemens' deal with the Yankees (the precedence for which was made by the Astros),
Garner told ESPN's Mike and Mike that the reason the Astros originally allowed for such terms in Clemens' contract was to lure him out of retirement, ostensibly so that Clemens would be able to spend more time with his family than the normal baseball schedule would allow for. "What sort of happened was we'd turn on the TV, and he's playing a golf tournament, so it evolved to be more than just seeing family," Garner said, immediately drawing the wrath of the Rocket. Clemens says that he has never played in a golf tournament while he was supposed to be with his team, and that he means to confront Garner face-to-face on the subject. I'd be scared if I were you, Phillip, and not just because your team sucks. Your douchebaggery is probably going to get you punched in the face this time.
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